Weird Twitter Gadgets!

I just ran across a post on Digg in the technology group about gadgets and devices people have built that interface in some way with Twitter. Quoting from the article:

Its (Twitter’s) charm is that its usefulness is entirely open to interpretation – while many just don’t get it (including Google’s CEO), some use it purely for self-promotion, others to connect with their peers, others to tap breaking news long before mainstream media covers it, and then there’s the subset of users that like to build or hack devices to use its API. Read on to meet six devices (of varying usefulness) that use Twitter to communicate with their human overlords.

The following devices are listed in the story:

  • Tweet-a-Watt:  The Kill-a-Watt mod that broadcasts your power consumption.
  • Botanicalls:  Plant water sensor that tells you when your plant needs a drink.
  • Laundryroom:  A laundry room at Olin College that tells you how many washers/dryers are free.
  • TwiVo:  A TiVo that tells you when it’s finished recording.
  • A washing machine that Tweets you when it’s finished.
  • A robot that makes and delivers popcorn, that takes orders via Twitter.

Read the full story here…

Let us know what amazing devices you’ve interfaced with Twitter or any other Web service.