Weird Twitter Gadgets!

I just ran across a post on Digg in the technology group about gadgets and devices people have built that interface in some way with Twitter. Quoting from the article: Its (Twitter’s) charm is that its usefulness is entirely open to interpretation – while many just don’t get it (including Google’s CEO), some use it […]

MySQL based transactions using PHP 5.x

I’ve been using database transactions heavily in an application I’m working on and thought it might be a good topic to write about. I started searching for tutorials on the subject and found very few that are of good quality. Hopefully this will enlighten you and provide a better understanding of the subject.


Welcome to… Please excuse our dust while we shake things up a bit. Sadie and I have decided to finally do more with this resource. We will be blogging about our adventures in the classroom, technology in general and our house building process. We hope this to be an informative yet entertaining resource for […]